Refund & Returns Policy
- If your product is damaged, defective, incorrect or incomplete at the time of delivery, please raise a return request on GhorerBazar app or website. Return request must be raised within 7 days for any items from the date of delivery.
- For more information on warranty claims, please view our Warranty Policy.
- For selected categories, we accept a change of mind. Please refer to the section below on Return Policy per Category for more information.
Valid reasons to return an item
- Delivered product is damaged (i.e. physically destroyed or broken) / defective (e.g. unable to use)
- Delivered product is incomplete (i.e. has missing items)
- Delivered product is incorrect (i.e. wrong product/size/color, or expired)
- Delivered product is does not match product description or picture (i.e product not as advertised)
Issuance of Refunds
- The processing time of your refund depends on the type of refund and the payment method you used.
- The refund period / process starts when GhorerBazar has processed your refund according to your refund type.
- The refund amount covers the item price and shipping fee for your returned product.
Refund Types
GhorerBazar will process your refund according to the following refund types
- Refund from returns – Refund is processed once your item is returned to the warehouse and QC is completed (successful). To learn how to return an item, read our Return Policy.
- Refunds from cancelled orders – Refund is automatically triggered once cancellation is successfully processed.
- Refunds from failed deliveries – Refund process starts when the item has reached the seller. Please take note that this may take more time depending on the area of your shipping address. Screen reader support enabled.
Conditions for Returns
- The product must be unused, unworn, unwashed and without any flaws. For fashion products, products may be tried on to see if the item fits. This will still be considered as unworn.
- The product must include the original tags, user manuals, warranty cards, freebies, invoice and accessories.
- The product must be returned in the original and undamaged manufacturer’s packaging/box. If the product was delivered in Daraz packaging/box, the same packaging/box should be returned. Do not put tape or stickers directly on the manufacturer’s packaging / box.
It is important to indicate the Order Number and Return Tracking Number on your return package to avoid any inconvenience/delay in your return process.
- While handing over your package to Drop-Off station/ Pickup Agent, please collect the Daraz Return Acknowledgment paper and reserve it for future reference.